Our Story

About me picture

Hello there! Welcome! My name is Molly, I live in Richmond, Virginia with my fiancé, Nick, and our two cats. Several years ago, we bought a townhouse in Blacksburg, Virginia that we completely renovated with the help of some friends and family. After that experience, we were totally hooked and knew that fixing up houses to create spaces we love would forever be part of our lives.

We’re currently renovating our first “real” home, and it’s been a scary, messy, dirty, rewarding, amazing experience. We make a lot of mistakes, but we’ve had just as many victories, too. I’m hoping that by sharing our projects, we can show that ANYONE can create a space they love with just a little bit (or sometimes a lot) of hard work and a willingness to make some mistakes. We don’t always know what we’re doing, but the key is being willing to try. After all, we’re really just making it up home as we go!